
Thoughts from the front lines

Have You Heard of Mike the Headless Chicken?


Margaret Atwood has presented many interesting elements relatable to our current reality and society today. The author presents Oryx and Crake in a post-apocalyptic world, yet her chapters and sections select intriguing modern elements which she incorporates in her story. An example of such detail relevant to the theme of my blog is in section Wolvogs. Jimmy is introduced to a lab where chickens are grown without heads. A method as such avoids, most importantly, animal brutality. So, really, these chickens don’t need to have their throats slit if they are clearly headless. Over the holidays, I came over a Facebook account depicting the maltreatment and brutality of farm animals before they end up on our plates. I became obsessed with watching similar videos – kind of grim I know – and was deeply saddened about by how far mankind is willing to go…to obtain meat.

Here is a link containing a series of videos displaying how animals are tortured and killed (trigger warning: you might wanna hide your eyes, it’s bloody) :


It prompted me to change my eating habits, so I became a vegetarian. Needless to say, my courageous attempts lasted all of three days before I crumbled and went in on a steak burrito. I have concluded that I’m a meat lovin’ animal brutality hatin’ kinda gal. Instead of cutting meat out of my diet (I will definitely give it another go), I’d rather discourage their maltreatment. Realistically, I am contradicting myself, but every thing is worth a try. Funny enough, working at Mcdonald’s; the land of beef patties, angus meat, and chicken breast filets, imagining the slaughtering process is hard to ignore (especially when it arrives ‘100% Canadian Beef’ frozen boxes).

Image result for mcdonald's beef

Question is do I believe in meat labs? Would I be more of an environmentalist if I did? If meat labs were to actually exist, would it be ethical to support it? A shock would definitely be associated with it similarly to how big my eyes opened when I came upon the passage. However, in our modern day, if scientists and researchers were able to grow perfectly healthy chicken or beef parts, it could be quite beneficial in many ways past the shock factor (honestly, I would finally stop feeling guilty about eating meat). It would be equally essential to analyse the consequentialist moral reasoning theory seeing as it primarily conveys the idea of what ever action is rightfully executed overrides the consequences that come along with it. Still in regards of meat labs, a theory as such holds great importance in my eyes, because hypothetically it could end animal suffering. Here is a short list of benefits:

1-Animals would not be painfully tortured and slaughtered.

2-Believe or not, animals could be allowed to pursue their future lives and desires.

3-Our ecosystem could be greatly advantaged

Lastly, I think we’ve all heard the story of Mike the Headless Chicken which is what I immediately thought and laughed at reading the passage. Either way, who knows, Mike could’ve probably been Crake’s chicken guinea pig.



Image result for headless chicken


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4 thoughts on “Have You Heard of Mike the Headless Chicken?

  1. I think you did an amazing job with this blog. I like how you specifically targeted a situation in the story and further developped the idea.The connection to the modern world was also very interesting to read and really makes whoever readin this blog think. Also the vocalbulary you used was very good also.It felt like i was reading a blog wich was the goal so good job.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s not a question of how far man is willing to go to get meat. It’s about how far man is willing to go in order to get CHEAP meat. My belief is that we have gone way too far. There is no justifiable explanation to treat other sentient beings like this, its completely wrong. We need to extend the value of life to all non-human species. Our grandchildren will look back on our behavior with shame and disgust, I hope.

    Great Post, made me think!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really enjoyed reading this. I absolutely loved that you made your blog very personal, talking about working at McDonalds and the Facebook video!
    I don’t know how I would feel about these meat labs. If I had the choice of the meat land and the meat we eat nowadays I would pick the meat from now. I would be too scared of what could be put into the artificial meat in the future seeing as there’s so much grossness in our meat in the present. Maybe I would feel different if I watched the Facebook video (which I don’t particularly want to see haha)

    In summary, I think the benefits you brought up are interesting and I will think more about it and see if I change my mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. For some reason, when I read this part in the book, I didn’t question whether or not this would be better or worse then animal agriculture today. As a vegan, this blog post made me stop and think. My main motivation behind becoming vegan was to reduce animal suffering and to not contribute to the mass murder of innocent beings and their enslavement. What is pushing me to even consider the alternative proposed in the book is this: animals wouldn’t feel pain or be scared or need to be slaughtered. As a vegan, I also believe that we shouldn’t use animals for human profit or purposes; animals shouldn’t be kept in cages or forced (through violence) to perform the same sick acts over and over again for our entertainment, such as in circuses. I think the biggest questions become “Can these things even be considered animals anymore? Are they even living beings or do they just become the equivalent of mock meats like seitan or tempeh (plant-based alternatives to meat) ?” Even thinking about eating these lab-‘grown’ meats is making me feel ashamed but maybe it deserves longer consideration… As you can see, I am in a state of absolute confusion and uncertainty after reading this! You did a good job with this blog post!

    Liked by 1 person

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